Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Portland Headlight

Portland headlight was built between 1790-91 back when Portland was one of the busiest ports in America.

Loon and chic

Loon and chic on Maranacook lake.

Miss Kelly

Beautiful Kelly with martini in hand.

Water Displacement

It took Norm Larsen 40 tries to get it right.

Thank you Trey

The security guys were nice enough to let me take some pictures.

Grey Jay

Ahh, the Grey Jay.  What an overly friendly bird. These birds are well known amongst anyone who has spent time in the woods as food bandits. They will literally come around when they smell a camp fire and land on one's head or hand providing they get food. This particular bird and its partner did not seem to want food however, unless dive bombing at high rates of speed were their act to earn a days worth of bread. Oh, and if you haven't seen Dead River rough cut, you should. Especially if you are considering coming to Maine as a tourist.


Christmas time, is here. We still have a fake tree and no snow.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Regatta- Rio de la Plata, Buenos Aires

Sailing on the beautiful waters of the Rio de la Plata, one of the largest rivers in the world. It was called the river of silver not because of its infectiously vibrant brown colored water but because European settlers were anticipating finding large sums of the mineral. However, they did not find large sums of silver.
We came in 4th place in the regatta.

Gomero Tree

Here is the Gomero Tree, or rubber tree, found outside of Recoleta Cemetery in Buenos Aires. These trees have expansive canopies and can be found in parks both gated and non-gated throughout the city. They are all quite incredible.

Tonka and Gia

Sorry Tonka, I had to post this picture of you.